"My aim as a ceramist is to create well-crafted ceramics objects that not only serve a purpose but also aiming to evoke reflection, experience, and joy for users."
As a child I used to hide my bucket with mud from the other kids, and I could spend hours adding water and soil until I got the right consistency of smoothness. And when I helped my mom bake cake in the kitchen, I could stand with a spoon for a long time just smoothing the surface of the flour, so it looked soft and nice. And every time I was eating ice cream as a kid, I also stirred in it until it had the smoothness of soft ice.
In other words, I have always been curios and I always wanted to touch things and know how it felt in my hands. I always touched different surfaces and have always been fascinated by nature’s structures when going to the beach or the woods. How the waves can create patterns in the sand on the beach. Or how the surfaces of a tree can change and look completely different when you zoom in on a specific part, and it suddenly looks like a moon crater.

I like when I get surprised about a material or a surface.
I want to create something that makes the viewer curious about the touch and tactile feeling of the pieces and hopefully so curious that they also want to touch my pieces.